Team Whitehead carried out the installation of a new 2MVA 11KV substation at Morriston Hospital connecting onto the existing services on site. The infrastructure works consisted of upgrading the existing infrastructure to substation 3 & 4 from Substation 1 and incorporate the new sub 6 works, too. The team replaced the existing radial 11kv network from sub 1 with a new HTM compliant ring main to substation 3,4 & 6. 



The full extent of works comprised of a N+1 functionality on the new HV/LV distribution system including 2no 2,000kva prime rated generators in acoustic enclosures and 2no 2000kva transformers and associated switchgear. 

We also carried out the installation of a 3200A cast resin busbar through the existing hospital to the existing hospital switchgear as part of the LV upgrade works.